Miss Stephanie Reads
Miss Stephanie Reads
Miss Stephanie Reads
Did you know that students can checkout library books? Here's how to do it.

Emma Wilson's Library Wish List
Emma Wilson's Library Wish List
Did you know that our library has an Amazon Wish List? It's a simple way to donate new books to our library. Just follow this link
Need a birthday idea? Purchase a book for the library in honor of your child's birthday. We will place a dedication to your child in the book and present it during their library time.
Thank you, PTSA!
Thank you, PTSA!
Thank you, PTSA for the wonderful donation of books for our library!!!

Library Catalog
Library Catalog
Search by Subject, Author, Title, or Keyword.
Also! Search for books in the Library
within an AR reading range.
Also! Search for books in the Library
within an AR reading range.
Library Staff
Library Staff
Monica Brown, CUSD Elementary Teacher Librarian
(530) 891-3111
(530) 891-3111
Stephanie Bertoni, Library Media Assistant
CUSD Elementary Library Resources
CUSD Elementary Library Resources
CUSD Elementary Library Resources
Visit the CUSD District Elementary Library site for MORE library resources and information.